Contact Us

The Affordable Ketamine Clinic has offices in Provo and Kaysville. We serve the central Wasatch Front area and Utah County, with locations convenient to our northern Utah and southern Utah patients.  Our affordable prices and quality service attract patients from all over the western United States.  


We're here to answer your questions.

Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible to answer your questions or set up your free consultation

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Provo office
3585 North University Ave Suite 250 Provo, Utah 84604
Office # 801-450-7147
Fax # 801-844-1615
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Kaysville office + Yoga Studio
375 N Main St Suite 202, Kaysville, UT 84037, USA
Office # 801-450-7147
Fax # 801-844-1615
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